everyone should have access to quality photographs for themselves, their brand, or their business. in an effort to work toward economic justice at a community level, it is hugely important to us to make sessions available to anyone who wants them. if you identify as a person within a marginalized group, we are happy to offer reduced-rate services to you. we do this so as to challenge the capitalist and classist society in which we live.

our pay what you can option is available for Black, Indigenous, Brown, AAPI, and other non-white persons, sex workers, Trans, enby, and Queer folk (and members of the LGBTQIA+ community), disabled folks, and those formerly incarcerated, as well as other identities who experience systemic oppression, violence, racism, or discrimination– if you feel this applies to you, please reach out. no questions asked, no proof required. we will work together on project plan to meet your goals within your ideal budget.

we do ask that you choose this option only if you need it. if you are able, you can also donate to our pay what you can fund which helps achieve balance when we take on sliding scale sessions.

this privilege-based sliding scale concept has been adapted with permission from tattoo artists Maggie Stockman and Tina Poe, Pronia Coaching’s Hadassah Damien, and Little Red Bird Botanicals. 

When I pay more, I know that I am helping the artist support themselves and allowing others to access services. When I pay in the middle, I know I am helping the artist cover costs. And when I pay at the bottom, I know I am letting my community hold me and support me. All of these are acceptable ways of participating.
— Pronia Coaching + Tina Poe